Category: Doors

Why Your Laguna Beach House Needs Bifold Doors

The concept of bifold doors is appealing to homeowners all over California. Here in Laguna Beach, our team at Priority Doors & Windows wants to bring their aesthetics, energy efficiency, and modernism to your home! Now, we all know bifold doors are beautiful. They become a talking point during gatherings, they replace entire walls with […]

Bifold or Sliding Doors – Which is Better for my Home?

When choosing a new feature for your home—like a new patio door—comparison is often the best tool to use. Decisions are hard when you cannot clearly see the “better” option of two or more choices. So, I pose this question to you: which door is better? Is it the bifold door or the sliding door? […]

“Contemporize” Your Home with these Tips from Priority

Contemporary décor has been a popular go-to trend for home design for years and years. There is good reason for this: it is sleek, classic, and relevant no matter what demographic you happen to belong to. But, what makes a good contemporary look in your home? The pros here at Priority Doors & Windows in […]

Unique Features for Your Coronado Home

If you are the type to seek interesting, unique features for your home as you transform it over the years, Priority Doors & Windows needs to be your next stop. You see, our team takes special pride in providing the finishing touches your Coronado, CA, home! Windows, doors, new space for new windows and doors… […]

5 Benefits of Bifold Doors

People don’t choose or do anything for themselves unless there is some sort of payoff, some sort of benefit. We choose schools, friends, partners, food… we choose EVERYTHING based on an internal reward system of personal benefit. So, why should choosing doors for your home be any different? Here at Priority Doors & Windows, we […]

A Look at Bi-fold Patio Doors

Here at Priority Doors & Windows, we pride our 35 years of work in the industry on the quality of work our professionals do and the product quality of the manufacturers with which we work. Both the quality of work and product are excellent, and we say this with confidence. In San Clemente, CA, not […]

A Good Vibe at Home Starts with Folding Glass Doors

Your home is your safe place, your happy place. It should be indicative of your personality and design perspective, wouldn’t you say? I think we can all agree that we are happier to return home from work at the end of a long day when the vibe is just right. So, how does one attain […]

Planning Your Post-Renovation Party!

If you have ever upgraded a feature or two in your home (windows, doors, added a deck, etc.), you know the excitement that follows: that internal need to throw a party or have a get-together so you can enjoy your space—and show it off. Here at Priority Doors & Windows, our team is very familiar […]

Bi-Fold Doors and Your Comfort

There are many reasons we could give you to consider bi-fold doors for your home. You know, the usual: they look great, they maximize light in your home, blah blah blah. But, there are very real and practical reasons to consider adding these [gorgeous] doors to your home that will appeal to you pragmatic, sensible […]

The Bi-Fold Patio Door You’ve Only Dreamed About

You know what many Southern Californians have in common? The desire for a beautiful home patio. But, unfortunately, you know what many do not have? A beautiful home patio door. Enter Priority Doors & Windows in San Clemente, CA. Making homes into dream homes is our business. We take your happiness and your surroundings at […]